Splitting SVN Repos to Multiple Git Repos with File History: A Step-by-Step Guide
Image by Nektaria - hkhazo.biz.id

Splitting SVN Repos to Multiple Git Repos with File History: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Are you tired of dealing with a massive SVN repository that’s become unwieldy and difficult to manage? Do you want to take advantage of the flexibility and scalability of Git, but are worried about losing your precious file history? Fear not, dear developer! In this article, we’ll show you how to split your SVN repository into multiple Git repositories, preserving the history of moved files in the process.

Why Split Your SVN Repository?

SVN (Subversion) has been the go-to version control system for many years, but it has its limitations. As your project grows, your SVN repository can become bloated and difficult to manage. This can lead to:

  • Slow performance: Large SVN repositories can take forever to check out and update.
  • Complexity: A single repository can become unwieldy, making it hard to find what you need.
  • Limited flexibility: SVN’s centralized architecture can make it difficult to work with distributed teams or multiple projects.

Git, on the other hand, offers a more flexible and scalable solution. By splitting your SVN repository into multiple Git repositories, you can:

  • Improve performance: Faster checkouts and updates mean you can get back to coding sooner.
  • Simplify your workflow: Break down your project into smaller, more manageable pieces.
  • Enhance collaboration: Git’s distributed architecture makes it easier to work with teams and multiple projects.

Preparation is Key

Before you start the splitting process, make sure you have:

  • A local copy of your SVN repository (checked out using svn checkout)
  • Git installed on your machine (you can download it from the official website)
  • A basic understanding of Git and SVN concepts (don’t worry, we’ll explain the process step-by-step)

Step 1: Create a New Git Repository for Each SVN Folder

Identify the top-level folders in your SVN repository that you want to split into separate Git repositories. Let’s say you have the following structure:

 |-- folder1/
 |-- folder2/
 |-- folder3/
 |-- ...

Create a new Git repository for each folder using the following command:

mkdir folder1-git
cd folder1-git
git init

Repeat this process for each folder you want to split out.

Step 2: Export SVN History for Each Folder

Use the svn log command to export the commit history for each folder:

svn log --xml --verbose --revision 1:HEAD folder1 > folder1-svn-log.xml

This will create an XML file containing the commit history for the specified folder. Repeat this process for each folder.

Step 3: Convert SVN History to Git Format

Use the git svn command to convert the SVN history into a Git-friendly format:

git svn clone -A folder1-svn-log.xml -r 1:HEAD svn://localhost/svn-repo/folder1

This command will create a new Git repository with the converted history. Repeat this process for each folder.

Step 4: Add Files to the New Git Repository

Move the files from the original SVN folder to the new Git repository:

cd folder1-git
git add .
git commit -m "Initial commit"

Repeat this process for each folder.

To preserve the file history, you need to link the Git repositories together. Create a .gitmodules file in the root of each repository, specifying the URL of the other repositories:

[module "folder2"]
  path = ../folder2-git
  url = ../folder2-git/.git

This tells Git to treat the other repositories as submodules. Repeat this process for each repository, linking them together as needed.

Step 6: Push the Changes

Finally, push the changes to your remote Git repositories:

git push origin master

Repeat this process for each repository.

Preserving File History: The Golden Rule

The key to preserving file history is to maintain the same directory structure and file names across both SVN and Git repositories. This ensures that Git can correctly track the file movements and renames.

For example, if you move a file from folder1/file.txt to folder2/file.txt, make sure to update the file path in both SVN and Git repositories. This will allow Git to track the file movement and preserve its history.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

If you encounter issues during the process, here are some common solutions:

Issue Solution
Error: svn log command fails Check your SVN repository URL and credentials. Ensure you have the correct permissions and try again.
Error: git svn command fails Verify your Git and SVN versions are compatible. Check the SVN repository URL and credentials, and try again.
Files not showing up in Git repository Double-check the file paths and names in both SVN and Git repositories. Ensure they match, and try re-running the git add and git commit commands.


Splitting your SVN repository into multiple Git repositories with preserved file history is a complex process, but with these step-by-step instructions, you should be able to achieve it. Remember to:

  • Create a new Git repository for each SVN folder
  • Export SVN history for each folder
  • Convert SVN history to Git format
  • Add files to the new Git repository
  • Link the Git repositories together
  • Push the changes to your remote repositories

By following these steps and maintaining the same directory structure and file names, you’ll be able to preserve your precious file history and enjoy the benefits of Git.

What’s Next?

Now that you’ve successfully split your SVN repository into multiple Git repositories, it’s time to explore the world of Git! Learn more about Git workflows, branching strategies, and collaboration techniques to take your development team to the next level.

Final Thoughts

Say goodbye to the limitations of SVN and hello to the flexibility and scalability of Git. With this guide, you’ve taken the first step in modernizing your version control system. Happy coding, and may your Git repositories be ever-growing and prosperous!

Frequently Asked Question

Are you struggling to split your SVN repo into multiple Git repos while preserving the history of moved files?

Q1: Why is it so hard to split an SVN repo into multiple Git repos?

Splitting an SVN repo into multiple Git repos can be a daunting task because SVN and Git have different repository structures and file tracking mechanisms. SVN uses a single repository for all projects, whereas Git is designed for multiple repositories, each containing a specific project. Additionally, SVN’s file tracking is based on repository revisions, whereas Git tracks file history through commits. This difference in architecture makes it challenging to preserve file history during the migration process.

Q2: What tools can I use to split an SVN repo into multiple Git repos?

You can use various tools to split an SVN repo into multiple Git repos, including Git-SVN, svn2git, and svn-fast-export. Git-SVN is a built-in Git tool that allows you to clone an SVN repository and commit changes back to SVN. Svn2git is a Ruby script that converts an SVN repo into a Git repo, preserving file history and commit messages. Svn-fast-export is a fast and flexible tool for exporting SVN repositories to Git.

Q3: How do I preserve file history when splitting an SVN repo into multiple Git repos?

To preserve file history, you need to use a tool that can track file movements and renames across the SVN repository. Svn2git and svn-fast-export are capable of tracking file history, including moves and renames. These tools create a Git repository that mirrors the SVN repository’s structure and file history, allowing you to maintain the historical context of your files.

Q4: Can I automate the process of splitting an SVN repo into multiple Git repos?

Yes, you can automate the process using scripts and tools. For example, you can write a bash script that uses svn2git or svn-fast-export to export the SVN repository and then splits the resulting Git repository into multiple smaller repos. You can also use CI/CD pipelines to automate the process, making it easier to maintain and update your Git repositories.

Q5: What are some best practices for splitting an SVN repo into multiple Git repos?

Some best practices for splitting an SVN repo into multiple Git repos include: planning your repository structure carefully, using meaningful repository names, preserving file history, and testing your migration process thoroughly. It’s also essential to communicate with your team and stakeholders about the migration process and ensure that everyone is aligned with the new repository structure.

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