iOS/OSX: CSS Nesting with Host Selector Not Working?
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iOS/OSX: CSS Nesting with Host Selector Not Working?

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Are you struggling to get CSS nesting with host selectors to work on your iOS or OSX device? You’re not alone! Many developers have encountered this frustrating issue, and today, we’re going to dive deep into the problem and provide a comprehensive solution.

What is CSS Nesting with Host Selectors?

CSS nesting with host selectors is a powerful feature that allows you to write more concise and modular CSS code. It enables you to nest CSS rules within a parent selector, making it easier to organize and maintain your styles. The host selector is used to target the parent element, and the nested rules are applied to its children.

.parent {
  /* Styles for the parent element */
  background-color: #f2f2f2;

  /* Nested rule for the child element */
  & > .child {
    /* Styles for the child element */
    color: #666;

The Problem: CSS Nesting Not Working on iOS/OSX

So, why isn’t CSS nesting with host selectors working on iOS or OSX devices? The issue lies in the way these operating systems handle CSS parsing. On iOS and OSX, the CSS parser is more strict than on other platforms, and it doesn’t support the `&` character in host selectors.

This means that when you write a nested rule using the `&` character, like this:

.parent {
  /* Styles for the parent element */
  background-color: #f2f2f2;

  /* Nested rule for the child element */
  & > .child {
    /* Styles for the child element */
    color: #666;

The iOS/OSX CSS parser will throw an error and ignore the nested rule. This is because the `&` character is not a valid character in host selectors on these platforms.

Solution 1: Use the `:host` Pseudo-Class

One solution to this problem is to use the `:host` pseudo-class instead of the `&` character. The `:host` pseudo-class is a part of the Shadow DOM API and allows you to target the host element of a shadow tree.

.parent {
  /* Styles for the parent element */
  background-color: #f2f2f2;

  /* Nested rule for the child element using :host */
  :host > .child {
    /* Styles for the child element */
    color: #666;

Using the `:host` pseudo-class, you can target the parent element and apply styles to its children. This solution works on iOS and OSX devices, as well as other platforms.

Solution 2: Use a Separate Selector

Another solution is to write a separate selector for the child element and remove the nested rule altogether. This approach is more verbose, but it works on all platforms, including iOS and OSX.

.parent {
  /* Styles for the parent element */
  background-color: #f2f2f2;

.parent > .child {
  /* Styles for the child element */
  color: #666;

In this example, we’ve written two separate selectors: one for the parent element and another for the child element. This approach is more straightforward, but it can lead to more cluttered CSS code.

Solution 3: Use a CSS Preprocessor

If you’re using a CSS preprocessor like Sass or Less, you can take advantage of its features to write more concise and modular code. For example, in Sass, you can use the `@at-root` directive to write a nested rule that will be compiled into a separate selector.

.parent {
  /* Styles for the parent element */
  background-color: #f2f2f2;

  @at-root .parent > .child {
    /* Styles for the child element */
    color: #666;

In this example, the `@at-root` directive tells Sass to compile the nested rule into a separate selector, which will be applied to the child element.

Best Practices for CSS Nesting with Host Selectors

To avoid issues with CSS nesting with host selectors on iOS and OSX devices, follow these best practices:

  • Use the `:host` pseudo-class instead of the `&` character.
  • Write separate selectors for child elements instead of using nested rules.
  • Use a CSS preprocessor like Sass or Less to take advantage of its features.
  • Test your CSS code on multiple platforms, including iOS and OSX devices.


CSS nesting with host selectors is a powerful feature that can improve the organization and maintainability of your CSS code. However, on iOS and OSX devices, it can be a challenge to get it working due to the strict CSS parser. By using one of the solutions outlined above, you can overcome this issue and write more efficient and modular CSS code.

Remember to follow best practices and test your code on multiple platforms to ensure compatibility and consistency across different devices and browsers.

Platform Support for CSS Nesting with Host Selectors
iOS No (requires workaround)
OSX No (requires workaround)
Chrome Yes
Firefox Yes
Edge Yes

By understanding the limitations and workarounds for CSS nesting with host selectors on iOS and OSX devices, you can write more effective and efficient CSS code that works seamlessly across different platforms.

Frequently Asked Question

Get the lowdown on CSS nesting with host selector in iOS/OSx and troubleshoot common issues!

Why is CSS nesting with host selector not working in iOS/OSx?

CSS nesting with host selector relies on the `:host` pseudo-class, which is not supported in iOS/OSx. This pseudo-class is part of the Shadow DOM v1, which is not yet implemented in Safari. Hence, CSS nesting with host selector won’t work as expected in iOS/OSx.

Is there a workaround for CSS nesting with host selector in iOS/OSx?

Yes, you can use a wrapper element and apply the styles to that element instead of using the `:host` pseudo-class. This way, you can achieve similar results without relying on the `:host` pseudo-class.

Can I use CSS variables to overcome the limitations of CSS nesting with host selector in iOS/OSx?

Yes, you can use CSS variables to define styles that can be applied to different elements. While this won’t provide the exact same functionality as CSS nesting with host selector, it can help you achieve similar results in a more limited way.

Will CSS nesting with host selector work in future versions of iOS/OSx?

It’s likely that future versions of iOS/OSx will support the `:host` pseudo-class, which would enable CSS nesting with host selector. However, there’s no official confirmation on when or if this will happen.

Are there any alternative solutions for styling web components in iOS/OSx?

Yes, you can use other styling methods, such as using a preprocessor like Sass or Less, or leveraging the power of CSS-in-JS libraries like Styled Components or Emotion. These alternatives can help you achieve similar results without relying on CSS nesting with host selector.

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